tisdag 31 augusti 2010



Snart skall vi svepas in i kyla, mörker och dimma;
alltför korta sommar, farväl till din ljusa dag!
Ekande klanglöst mot gårdars sten kan jag redan förnimma
vedträna, hur de faller med olycksbådande slag.

Vintern skall helt invadera min varelse: möda,
hård och påtvingad, bävan, hat, raseri,
och likt det arktiska helvetets sol, som dess röda
frusna block kommer åter mitt hjärta att bli.

Rysande hör jag dem falla, en efter en, dessa klossar.
Aldrig kan hammarslag när man reser schavotter runga
mera dovt; min själ är som tornet murbräckan krossar
långsamt med sina stötar, oförtrutna och tunga.

Slagens entonighet vaggar in mig i dvala; det är
som om i hast man spikade någonstans på en kista.
Men för vem? I går var det sommar. Nu är den här,
hösten. Det gåtfulla ljudet låter som uppbrott, det sista...


Din iris dunkla glans av grönt håller jag av
men bittert är mig allt i dag, och varken härden,
vårt rum eller din kärlek, ingenting i världen
går upp för mig mot sol över ett ljusdränkt hav.

Älska mig ändå ömt! Ge mig en moders tröst,
fast jag är elak nu, och otacksam och dyster;
brinn med en flyktig eld, o älskarinna, syster,
såsom en solnedgång eller en praktfull höst!

Kort blir ditt uppdrag! Glupsk och girig väntar döden.
Låt mig med pannan stödd mot dina knän betrakta
den milda höstens guld, se hur den slocknar sakta
medan jag sörjer än den vita sommarglöden.

-Charles Baudelaire

måndag 30 augusti 2010

I rörelse

Den mätta dagen, den är aldrig störst.
Den bästa dagen är en dag av törst.

Nog finns det mål och mening i vår färd -
men det är vägen, som är mödan värd.

Det bästa målet är en nattlång rast,
där elden tänds och brödet bryts i hast.

På ställen, där man sover blott en gång,
blir sömnen trygg och drömmen full av sång.

Bryt upp, bryt upp! Den nya dagen gryr.
Oändligt är vårt stora äventyr.

-Karin Boye

söndag 29 augusti 2010


HERE, ever since you went abroad,
If there be change no change I see:
I only walk our wonted road,
The road is only walk'd by me.

Yes; I forgot; a change there is--
Was it of that you bade me tell?
I catch at times, at times I miss
The sight, the tone, I know so well.

Only two months since you stood here?
Two shortest months? Then tell me why
Voices are harsher than they were,
And tears are longer ere they dry.

-Walter Savage Landor

lördag 28 augusti 2010

Efter paradiset

Det är över. Stilla. Hur mjukt faller regnet
på taken i denna stad. Hur fullkomligt allt är.
Nu, för er båda som vaknar
i en kunglig säng under en vindsvånings fönster.
För man och kvinna. Eller för en växt,
delad i manligt och kvinnligt som söker varandra.
Ja, detta blir min gåva. Över askan
på en bitter, bitter jord. Över ett underjordiskt
eko av rop och löften. För att ni i gryningen
skall vara uppmärksamma: en böjning på huvudet,
en hand med en kam, två ansikten i spegeln,
för alltid bara en enda gång. Och sedan borta ur minnet.
För att ni ska vara uppmärksamma på det som är och försvinner.
Och varje ögonblick tacksamma, prisande tillvaron i alla dess former.
Den lilla parken med grönskiftande marmorbyster
i det pärlgrå ljuset, i ett stilla sommarregn,
låt den förbli som den var när du sköt upp den lilla grinden.
Och gatan med sina höga, flagnande portar
som er kärlek plötsligt har förändrat.

-Czeslaw Milosz

Tolkning av Nils Åke Nilsson

fredag 27 augusti 2010

Vigo County

Beyond the brown hill
Above the silent cedars,
Blackbirds flee the April rains.

-Etheridge Knight

torsdag 26 augusti 2010

A dream

In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed-
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream- that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro' storm and night,
So trembled from afar-
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth's day-star?

-Edgar Allan Poe

onsdag 25 augusti 2010

Had I the Choice

Had I the choice to tally greatest bards,
To limn their portraits, stately, beautiful, and emulate at will,
Homer with all his wars and warriors--Hector, Achilles, Ajax,
Or Shakespeare's woe-entangled Hamlet, Lear, Othello--Tennyson's fair ladies,
Meter or wit the best, or choice conceit to weild in perfect rhyme, delight of singers;
These, these, O sea, all these I'd gladly barter,
Would you the undulation of one wave, its trick to me transfer,
Or breathe one breath of yours upon my verse,
And leave its odor there.

-Walt Whitman

tisdag 24 augusti 2010

Where the sidewalk ends

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.

-Shel Silverstein

måndag 23 augusti 2010

Vart går jag?

Solen reser
sina gyllene strålar.
från öster
lyfter ljuset mina sömndruckna ögon
En vindil spelar
pietetsfullt ”Tonerna” av Sjöberg.

Jag reser mig
och ser
ännu en dag födas.
Ännu en gång
slår dagen hål på
Ännu en dag går tankekraften sönder,
i den frustration
vi apor kallar stress.

Jag bidar min tid
framkallar mörker
som går
vid min sida tills kvällen är här.
Där finner jag vila.
Där läker jag sår.
Där ställer jag frågor.
Och timmarna går.

Vart går jag i natten
när lamporna släckts?
Vart för mig
tanken i drömmen,
som väckts?

-Göran Hansson

söndag 22 augusti 2010

As one listens to the rain

Listen to me as one listens to the rain,
not attentive, not distracted,
light footsteps, thin drizzle,
water that is air, air that is time,
the day is still leaving,
the night has yet to arrive,
figurations of mist
at the turn of the corner,
figurations of time
at the bend in this pause,
listen to me as one listens to the rain,
without listening, hear what I say
with eyes open inward, asleep
with all five senses awake,
it's raining, light footsteps, a murmur of syllables,
air and water, words with no weight:
what we are and are,
the days and years, this moment,
weightless time and heavy sorrow,
listen to me as one listens to the rain,
wet asphalt is shining,
steam rises and walks away,
night unfolds and looks at me,
you are you and your body of steam,
you and your face of night,
you and your hair, unhurried lightning,
you cross the street and enter my forehead,
footsteps of water across my eyes,
listen to me as one listens to the rain,
the asphalt's shining, you cross the street,
it is the mist, wandering in the night,
it is the night, asleep in your bed,
it is the surge of waves in your breath,
your fingers of water dampen my forehead,
your fingers of flame burn my eyes,
your fingers of air open eyelids of time,
a spring of visions and resurrections,
listen to me as one listens to the rain,
the years go by, the moments return,
do you hear the footsteps in the next room?
not here, not there: you hear them
in another time that is now,
listen to the footsteps of time,
inventor of places with no weight, nowhere,
listen to the rain running over the terrace,
the night is now more night in the grove,
lightning has nestled among the leaves,
a restless garden adrift-go in,
your shadow covers this page.

-Octavio Paz

lördag 21 augusti 2010


I have scarcely left you
When you go in me, crystalline,
Or trembling,
Or uneasy, wounded by me
Or overwhelmed with love, as
when your eyes
Close upon the gift of life
That without cease I give you.

My love,
We have found each other
Thirsty and we have
Drunk up all the water and the
We found each other
And we bit each other
As fire bites,
Leaving wounds in us.

But wait for me,
Keep for me your sweetness.
I will give you too
A rose.

-Pablo Neruda

fredag 20 augusti 2010

The riddle of the world

Know then thyself, presume not God to scan
The proper study of Mankind is Man.
Placed on this isthmus of a middle state,
A Being darkly wise, and rudely great:
With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side,
With too much weakness for the Stoic's pride,
He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest;
In doubt to deem himself a God, or Beast;
In doubt his mind and body to prefer;
Born but to die, and reas'ning but to err;
Whether he thinks to little, or too much;
Chaos of Thought and Passion, all confus'd;
Still by himself, abus'd or disabus'd;
Created half to rise and half to fall;
Great Lord of all things, yet a prey to all,
Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl'd;
The glory, jest and riddle of the world.

-Alexander Pope

torsdag 19 augusti 2010

In the library

There's a book called
"A Dictionary of Angels."
No one has opened it in fifty years,
I know, because when I did,
The covers creaked, the pages
Crumbled. There I discovered

The angels were once as plentiful
As species of flies.
The sky at dusk
Used to be thick with them.
You had to wave both arms
Just to keep them away.

Now the sun is shining
Through the tall windows.
The library is a quiet place.
Angels and gods huddled
In dark unopened books.
The great secret lies
On some shelf Miss Jones
Passes every day on her rounds.

She's very tall, so she keeps
Her head tipped as if listening.
The books are whispering.
I hear nothing, but she does.

-Charles Simic

onsdag 18 augusti 2010

From a poem

I also loved, and the restless breaths
Of sleeplessness, fluttering through darkness,
Out of the park would downward drift
To the ravine, on to the archipelago
Of meadows, sinking from sight among
Wormwood, mint and quails beneath the wispy mist.
And the broad sweep of adoration's wing grew
Heavy and drunken, as though stung by shot,
Floundered into the air and, shuddering, fell short,
Scattering across the fields as dew.

And then the dawn was breaking. Till two
Rich jewels blinked in the incalculable sky,
But then the cocks began to feel afraid
Of darkness and strove to hide their fright,
But in their throats blank mines exploded,
As they strained, fear's putrid voice erupted.
As though by order, as the constellations faded,
A shepherd, goggle-eyed as though from snuffing candles,
Made his appearance where the forest ended.

I also loved and she, it well may be,
Is living yet. The time will pass on by
Till something large as autumn, one fine day,
(If not tomorrow, then perhaps some other time)
Will blaze out over life like sunset's glow, in pity
For the thicket. For the foolish puddle's tormenting,
Toadish thirst. For the clearings trembling timidly
As hares, their ears tight-muffled in the wrapping
Of last year's fallen leaves. For the noise, as though
False waves are pounding on the shores of long ago.
I also loved, and know: as damp mown fields
Are laid by the ages at each year's feet,
So the fevering newness of the worlds is laid
By love at the bed-head of every heart.

I also loved, and she is living still.
Cascading into that first earliness, as ever
Time stands still, vanishing away as it spills
Over the moment's edge. Subtle as ever this boundary.
Still as before, how recent seems the long ago.
Time past streams from the faces of those who saw,
Playing still its crazy tricks, as if it did not know
It has no tenancy in our house any more.
Can it be so? Does love really not last,
This momentary tribute of bright wonderment,
But ever, all our life, recede into the past?

-Boris Pasternak

tisdag 17 augusti 2010

A masque of Venice

(A Dream.)

Not a stain,
In the sun-brimmed sapphire cup that is the sky-
Not a ripple on the black translucent lane
Of the palace-walled lagoon.
Not a cry
As the gondoliers with velvet oar glide by,
Through the golden afternoon.

From this height
Where the carved, age-yellowed balcony o'erjuts
Yonder liquid, marble pavement, see the light
Shimmer soft beneath the bridge,
That abuts
On a labyrinth of water-ways and shuts
Half their sky off with its ridge.

We shall mark
All the pageant from this ivory porch of ours,
Masques and jesters, mimes and minstrels, while we hark
To their music as they fare.
Scent their flowers
Flung from boat to boat in rainbow radiant showers
Through the laughter-ringing air.

See! they come,
Like a flock of serpent-throated black-plumed swans,
With the mandoline, viol, and the drum,
Gems afire on arms ungloved,
Fluttering fans,
Floating mantles like a great moth's streaky vans
Such as Veronese loved.

But behold
In their midst a white unruffled swan appear.
One strange barge that snowy tapestries enfold,
White its tasseled, silver prow.
Who is here?
Prince of Love in masquerade or Prince of Fear,
Clad in glittering silken snow?

Cheek and chin
Where the mask's edge stops are of the hoar-frosts hue,
And no eyebeams seem to sparkle from within
Where the hollow rings have place.
Yon gay crew
Seem to fly him, he seems ever to pursue.
'T is our sport to watch the race.

At his side
Stands the goldenest of beauties; from her glance,
From her forehead, shines the splendor of a bride,
And her feet seem shod with wings,
To entrance,
For she leaps into a wild and rhythmic dance,
Like Salome at the King's.

'T is his aim
Just to hold, to clasp her once against his breast,
Hers to flee him, to elude him in the game.
Ah, she fears him overmuch!
Is it jest,-
Is it earnest? a strange riddle lurks half-guessed
In her horror of his touch.

For each time
That his snow-white fingers reach her, fades some ray
From the glory of her beauty in its prime;
And the knowledge grows upon us that the dance
Is no play
'Twixt the pale, mysterious lover and the fay-
But the whirl of fate and chance.

Where the tide
Of the broad lagoon sinks plumb into the sea,
There the mystic gondolier hath won his bride.
Hark, one helpless, stifled scream!
Must it be?
Mimes and minstrels, flowers and music, where are ye?
Was all Venice such a dream?

-Emma Lazarus

måndag 16 augusti 2010

Not here

There's courage involved if you want
to become truth.

There is a broken- open place in a lover.

Where are those qualities of bravery and
sharp compassion in this group? What's the
use of old and frozen thought?

I want a howling hurt. This is not a treasury
where gold is stored; this is for copper.

We alchemists look for talent that
can heat up and change.

Lukewarm won't do. Halfhearted holding back,
well-enough getting by? Not here.

-Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

söndag 15 augusti 2010

Meeting at night

The gray sea and the long black land;
And the yellow half-moon large and low;
And the startled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,
As I gain the cove with pushing prow,
And quench its speed i’ the slushy sand.

Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
Three fields to cross till a farm appears;
A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And blue spurt of a lighted match,
And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,
Then the two hearts beating each to each!

-Robert Browning

lördag 14 augusti 2010

Afternoon in February

The day is ending,
The night is descending;
The marsh is frozen,
The river dead.

Through clouds like ashes
The red sun flashes
On village windows
That glimmer red.

The snow recommences;
The buried fences
Mark no longer
The road o'er the plain;

While through the meadows,
Like fearful shadows,
Slowly passes
A funeral train.

The bell is pealing,
And every feeling
Within me responds
To the dismal knell;

Shadows are trailing,
My heart is bewailing
And tolling within
Like a funeral bell.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

fredag 13 augusti 2010

The drop dies in the river

The drop dies in the river
of its joy
pain goes so far it cures itself

in the spring after the heavy rain the cloud
that was nothing but tears

in the spring the mirror turns green
holding a miracle
Change the shining wind

the rose led us to our eyes

let whatever is be open

-Ghalib Mirza Asadullah Khan

torsdag 12 augusti 2010

Northern river

When summer days grow harsh
my thoughts return to my river,
fed by white mountain springs,
beloved of the shy bird, the bellbird,
whose cry is like falling water.
O nighted with the green vine,
lit with the rock-lilies,
the river speaks in the silence,
and my heart will also be quiet.

Where your valley grows wide in the plains
they have felled the trees, wild river.
Your course they have checked, and altered
your sweet Alcaic metre.
Not the grey kangaroo, deer-eyes, timorous,
will come to your pools at dawn;
but, their tamed and humbled herds
will muddy the watering places.
Passing their roads and cities
you will not escape unsoiled.

But where, grown old and weary,
stagnant among the mangroves,
you hope no longer – there on a sudden
with a shock like joy, beats up
the cold clean pulse of the tide,
the touch of sea in greeting;
the sea that encompasses
all sorrow and delight
and holds the memories
of every stream and river.

-Judith Wright

onsdag 11 augusti 2010

Sonnet 23

As an unperfect actor on the stage
Who with his fear is put besides his part,
Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,
Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart.
So I, for fear of trust, forget to say
The perfect ceremony of love's rite,
And in mine own love's strength seem to decay,
O'ercharged with burden of mine own love's might.
O, let my books be then the eloquence
And dumb presagers of my speaking breast,
Who plead for love and look for recompense
More than that tongue that more hath more express'd.
O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit.

-William Shakespeare

tisdag 10 augusti 2010

Hvem är den största man?

Låt pastor Smiler få förklara:
hvem är den största man? -
Med gudligt högmod skall han svara:
"den, som sig sjelf förnedra kan."

Låt oss poeten Rimfors fråga:
hvem är den största man? -
Han svärja skall vid snillets låga:
"störst är den man, som rimma kan."

Vill ni en hofmans tanke höra:
hvem är den största man? -
"Den, som den bästa konungs öra
med lögn och smicker dåra kan."

Begär af baron Anhjelm lära:
hvem är den största man? -
"Den, som sitt namns försvunna ära
längst tid försvunnen räkna kan."

Spörj Börsdryg och hans gödda drängar:
hvem är den största man? -
"Den, som med mat och prakt och pengar
sig pöbelns aktning köpa kan."

Säg, filosof med rynkta pannan!
hvem är den största man? -
Du svarar: "den och ingen annan,
som mina gåtor tyda kan."

Despoter uppå jordens troner!
hvem är den största man? -
"Den, som sitt folk, till millioner,
på slagtningsfälten offra kan."

"Nej - hörs en stolt kannstöparfrater -
den största man är han,
som i sin stöpslef gamla stater,
likt gamla stop, omstöpa kan."

-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

måndag 9 augusti 2010

Att leva

Att leva är att välja
och hur hänförande stort är inte valet
mellan betongmuren
och de sönderfläkta naglarna

O ungdom som kastar dig ur sängen
för att få hjulet i rörelse
och vända på världen
medan dagarna kryper som ormar
kring min tomhet
och vänskapen stramar som rep
kring mitt guppande adamsäpple

Endast gubbklådan
håller mina händer i verksamhet
över slutrökta cigarretter
och sönderbombade stationer

Varför skulle jag inte minnas
eller ge upp hoppet
längta efter betongmuren eller hjulet
tomhetens ormar
eller vänskapens rep

Att leva är att välja
O saliga val
mellan det likgiltiga
och det omöjliga

-Karl Vennberg

söndag 8 augusti 2010

In autumn

The leaves are many under my feet,
And drift one way.
Their scent of death is weary and sweet.
A flight of them is in the grey
Where sky and forest meet.

The low winds moan for sad sweet years;
The birds sing all for pain,
Of a common thing, to weary ears,--
Only a summer's fate of rain,
And a woman's fate of tears.

I walk to love and life alone
Over these mournful places,
Across the summer overthrown,
The dead joys of these silent faces,
To claim my own.

I know his heart has beat to bright
Sweet loves gone by;
I know the leaves that die to-night
Once budded to the sky;
And I shall die from his delight.

O leaves, so quietly ending now,
You heard the cuckoos sing.
And I will grow upon my bough
If only for a spring,
And fall when the rain is on my brow.

O tell me, tell me ere you die,
Is it worth the pain?
You bloomed so fair, you waved so high;
Now that the sad days wane,
Are you repenting where you lie?

I lie amongst you, and I kiss
Your fragrance mouldering.
O dead delights, is it such bliss,
That tuneful Spring?
Is love so sweet, that comes to this?

Kiss me again as I kiss you;
Kiss me again;
For all your tuneful nights of dew,
In this your time of rain,
For all your kisses when Spring was new.

You will not, broken hearts; let be.
I pass across your death
To a golden summer you shall not see,
And in your dying breath
There is no benison for me.

There is an autumn yet to wane,
There are leaves yet to fall,
Which, when I kiss, may kiss again,
And, pitied, pity me all for all,
And love me in mist and rain.

-Alice Alice Meynell

lördag 7 augusti 2010

I know why the caged bird sings

The free bird leaps
on the back of the win
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hillfor the caged bird
sings of freedom

The free bird thinks of another breeze
an the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

-Maya Angelou

fredag 6 augusti 2010


And it was at that age ... Poetry arrived
in search of me. I don't know, I don't know where
it came from, from winter or a river.
I don't know how or when,
no they were not voices, they were not
words, nor silence,
but from a street I was summoned,
from the branches of night,
abruptly from the others,
among violent fires
or returning alone,
there I was without a face
and it touched me.

I did not know what to say, my mouth
had no way
with names,
my eyes were blind,
and something started in my soul,
fever or forgotten wings,
and I made my own way,
that fire,
and I wrote the first faint line,
faint, without substance, pure
pure wisdom
of someone who knows nothing,
and suddenly I saw
the heavens
and open,
palpitating plantations,
shadow perforated,
with arrows, fire and flowers,
the winding night, the universe.

And I, infinitesimal being,
drunk with the great starry
likeness, image of
felt myself a pure part
of the abyss,
I wheeled with the stars,
my heart broke loose on the wind.

-Pablo Neruda

torsdag 5 augusti 2010


Vad allting som är dött är underbart
och outsägligt:
ett dött blad och en död människa
och månens skiva.
Och alla blommor veta en hemlighet
och skogen den bevarar,
det är att månens kretsgång kring vår jord
är dödens bana.
Och månen spinner sin underbara väv,
den blommor älska,
och månen spinner sitt sagolika nät
kring allt som lever.
Och månens skära mejar blommor av
i senhöstnätter,
och alla blommor vänta på månens kyss
i ändlös längtan.

-Edith Södergran

onsdag 4 augusti 2010

With my father

With my father
I would watch dawn
over green fields.

-Kobayashi Issa

tisdag 3 augusti 2010

Jag är ej mera

Jag är ej mera. En gång var jag.
Bort i min längtans flammor flög jag.
Den lätta askan yrde genom luften
och sjönk - så ljust och sakta
till dina fötter.
Gå ej så hårt - mitt hjärta lever ännu.


måndag 2 augusti 2010

Colored toys

When I bring to you colored toys, my child,
I understand why there is such a play of colors on clouds, on water,
and why flowers are painted in tints
---when I give colored toys to you, my child.

When I sing to make you dance
I truly now why there is music in leaves,
and why waves send their chorus of voices to the heart of the listening earth
---when I sing to make you dance.

When I bring sweet things to your greedy hands
I know why there is honey in the cup of the flowers
and why fruits are secretly filled with sweet juice
---when I bring sweet things to your greedy hands.

When I kiss your face to make you smile, my darling,
I surely understand what pleasure streams from the sky in morning light,
and what delight that is that is which the summer breeze brings to my body
---when I kiss you to make you smile.

-Rabindranath Tagore

söndag 1 augusti 2010


A thousand years of darkness in her face,
She turns at last from out the centurys' blight
Of labored moan and dull oppression's might,
To slowly mount the rugged path and trace
Her measured step unto her ancient place.
And upward, ever upward towards the light
She strains, seeing afar the day when right
Shall rule the world and justice leaven the race.

Now bare her swarthy arm and firm her sword,
She stands where Universal Freedom bleeds,
And slays in holy wrath to save the word
Of nations and their puny, boasting creeds.
Sear with the truth, O God, each doubting heart,
Of mankind's need and Afric's gloried part.

-Joseph Seamon Cotter